Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Since my (evil) Twin wont leave me alone, I've decided to post whatever I've written so far.

I'm sure all of us have come across children like this, have we ever wondered what brought them to their pathetic state? Was their fate written by some invisible hand as soon as they were born? or are they merely victims of circumstances? They did not ask to be like this, but then again, they do not have a way out.

Too wrapped up in my world, too selfish,
I was simply too busy to notice.
I sat in the car in a miserable mood,
When the child came to me begging for food.
“Oh one of them how exasperating” I thought
It didn’t occur to give the food that I had bought.
That the child was ragged and dirty,
why should her misery matter to me?
I turned up the window pretending not to hear,
I wasn’t going to help that was clear
Few days later I read that a child had died
The same child that had come to me and cried.
‘Malnourishment'the newspaper said,
" You could have saved her" said a voice in my head.
A kind gesture from me could have changed her fate,
I realize now, alas it is too late!

The guilt in my heart will forever stay,
The child’s face will haunt me to my dying day...

I dont remember when exaclty i wrote this, I just hope that the next time you come across someone needy, they wont go unnoticed.


s()ms!e said...

*BEAUTIFUL*...I have no words..I only wish to see more of this stuff on this page,without me having to push you into doing it...Your words somehow hold the emotions in a tight package and still I dunno, it leaves a mark..which doesnt happen generally with poems..Good work! Bravo!!Love ye!! Keep posting...!

Ice-Thorn said...

Sniff sniff..thanks for ur support mach..:)
love u too